Meet FCB$

A few words from US:

WE are AMERICA. You work for us. You will do what WE say. It's United States of CEO's. We have the Guns and We have the Money, and therefore the Power. We control the Media. We run Washington. If you don't like it you can go to hell. If you try and start a Union, we will squash you. You can't fight us. We have lobbied for decades to get where we are. We have put people in place to create the laws we want them to create. America is ours. We are the Plutocratic Elite. We Run This!!

WE have the capabilities of manipulating the masses. Our Political Partners in Washington, and beyond, are engaged in OUR fight, not Yours! Ultimately money wins. That's why YOU FAIL! You don't have any. That's not an accident. We've made sure to keep people poor. You call it Class Warfare. We call it 'Our Game.' And thanks for Playing. Now get back to work! Your kids want you refreshed for the weekend outing, and someone has to pay for the alcohol drowning.

We sit in our headquarters a.k.a. 'The Fear Bunker' and call out the shots!